Welcome to Honee Tree Studios

A R T I S T   D O C U M E N T A R I E S

We are Tori and Kahrin, two best friends having a blast capturing artists’

process | personality | purpose



We all deserve safe spaces to share our souls and truly be heard.


The pressure of figuring out how to best share our story can be stressful sometimes.


When others see themselves in your story, true connection happens.

Our Roots

Both being musicians, we understand how important it is to feel heard when it comes to sharing our work. We also understand how overwhelming it can be to figure out
how and who to share it with.

We do this work because we need it ourselves.

When we decided to team up, the first question we asked ourselves was…

What are we rooted in?

  • CARE

Simply put… we care about delivering high-quality, honest stories every single time.

Get to know us

Here are some of our favorites.

Kahrin Spear

Tori Kurtz

“Stories are the communal currency of humanity.”

— Tahir Shah